42 People seem to be forgetting the “distinguishing chracteristic” twitter.com/ChuckLane1/sta… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey You’re throwing a curve to Chuck, there. Ha!
@kausmickey Take heart, Chuck.There is room for so much more. Sigh.
@kausmickey charles lane forgot adulterer clinton putting cigars in a teenagers vagina in the oval office. boob.
@kausmickey @ChuckLane1 Ever heard of the Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Duel? Apparently not.
@kausmickey @ChuckLane1 Wait til the sex tape comes out !!!
@kausmickey @ChuckLane1 Charles is a Democrat, so . .
@kausmickey @ChuckLane1 .To quote Al Jolson: “you ain’t seen nothing yet!”