9 JPod for the Defense kausfiles.com/2016/03/29/jpo… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Nice outline but’Trump took advantage of that’ – is it inconceivable that someone is not power hungry – just wants to do right?
@kausmickey Is it also inconceivable ‘the folks’ don’t give a damn about issues – just want things to work and trust who they hire to do it?
@kausmickey Simply put: the government needs to get their s— together and follow the same rules with the same morals as the rest of us.
@kausmickey And ‘the rest of us’ does not include every Tom, Dick & Harry who comes along and wants to piggy-back onto what we’ve built.
@kausmickey Free trade does not consist of thousand page trade treaties micromanaging trade. That’s practically mercantilism.
@kausmickey and the problem with healthcare is not market driven uncertainty, rather is is crony capitalism which has risen costs
@kausmickey Serious refutation. Well done.