“maybe what [voters] really want…is upper-income tax cuts, Social Security private accounts, & more immigration?” vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/p…
“maybe what [voters] really want…is upper-income tax cuts, Social Security private accounts, & more immigration?” vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/p…
@kausmickey Ya. That must be it.;/
@kausmickey @JohnRiversToo Calling National Review.
@kausmickey Well, the Donor Class money bags bribing the hell out of Paul Ryan just want to install a Pres. who will make #TPP law. Right?
@kausmickey how out to lunch can they be?
@kausmickey Let’s hope he gets the Eric Cantor treatment.
@kausmickey @VanityFair Ryan is not all that bright. He is a CoC puppet at a time when the voters are fed up with their greed.
@kausmickey A Soros minion. Not surprising at all.