Trump on Cruz feckless grandstanding-“to show people you can filibuster-& in the meantime, nothing was accomplished” washingtonexaminer.com/article/258716…
Trump on Cruz feckless grandstanding-“to show people you can filibuster-& in the meantime, nothing was accomplished” washingtonexaminer.com/article/258716…
@kausmickey people used to oppose slavery prior to it being abolished, nothing was accomplished so they should not have opposed slavery?
@kausmickey @tedcruz grandstand’g=Mxcn-made Oreo w/@PRyan’s WI milk(which #RolloverRyan wrkg2give 2Mexico).as good as runs from eColi!
@kausmickey Nothing accomplished? How about putting on display the fecklessness of the mgmt of the Republican Party?