12 Robots vs. La Raza? kausfiles.com/2016/04/04/130… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Alternatively: more incentive to hire people who will work for cash off the books. . .
@kausmickey Keeps poor on welfare. Keeps more immigrants coming in, whose children are more likely to be Dems, too .. . . A win-win for Dems
Robots vs. La Raza? https://t.co/WSkc9MCjN7
No need to fight, baby. Bender Rodriguez is multicultural. https://t.co/WMMTAnktjU
@kausmickey If that’s their vision of the future, why do they think foreign workers will still want to come?
@kausmickey Democrats and churches will still want them here.
@kausmickey SOON https://t.co/Wr0PJv2Pb0
.@kausmickey Always thought immig. fans made big mistake by not getting fully behind Kennedy-McCain in 07-08. Coulda had a bill a decade ago