WaPo on reality behind white women death spike washingtonpost.com/sf/national/20… How does Ryanism (Medicare vouchers! immigrants!) speak to this?
WaPo on reality behind white women death spike washingtonpost.com/sf/national/20… How does Ryanism (Medicare vouchers! immigrants!) speak to this?
@kausmickey Wasn’t increased death among white males the big thing a couple of months ago? What happened?
@kausmickey @washingtonpost THANK YOU 4 covering this. Same back in WV. Hard labor jobs gave purpose & filled life. Illegals take them now.
@kausmickey @instapundit and these days it’s far worse for women under 30 who live between. I-15 and I-75.
@kausmickey Sad. I doubt Ryan gives a damn. “Identity politics” – what a lame theme for a speech or an ad. Jerk.
@kausmickey Maybe Ryan goes with the Williamson/Erickson explanations – “Losers!” “Failed at life!” Still an Ayn Rand admirer at heart?
@dansblog1 @marylovefreedom @kausmickey WaPo put out an article a few days ago about how that is affecting women now too.
@kausmickey Good argument for prohibition. Article is a few decades out of place. ?? Guess Wash Post feels they’ve now dealt with this.