I still think underexamined possibility is Trump *wins*/GOP loses downballot (because he wins with Dems) twitter.com/jbarro/status/…
I still think underexamined possibility is Trump *wins*/GOP loses downballot (because he wins with Dems) twitter.com/jbarro/status/…
@kausmickey Barro the burro is still in the prediction business?
@kausmickey Senate was always lost in 2016 check the map. GOP will retake in 2018. GOP keeps House no matter who runs. GOPe as bad as Dems.
@kausmickey @jbarro If they lose down ballot it’s not bc of Trump. They have themselves to blame. Americans are tired of do nothing pols
@kausmickey @jbarro you so called brilliant intelligent people still don’t get it. Trump is a movement about angry people disgusted fed up
@kausmickey @jbarro It’s statements like Barro’s here that should tell you why. Cuz the GOPe is so far out of touch they still can’t see.
@kausmickey @jbarro The Rep rats that are subverting Trump and therefore the voters will pay the ultimate political price. Good riddance.
@kausmickey @jbarro Josh is just engaging in wish fulfillment
@kausmickey @jbarro Republican landslide up and down @realDonaldTrump
@kausmickey @jbarro If the down ticket guys are anti-Trump and pro-GOPe then yes, they will go down, and deserve to.
@kausmickey the key is what kind of republicans lose? If it is cheap labor republicans it won’t be confusing at all.
@kausmickey I think you are exactly right.
@kausmickey @jbarro – Either Trump wins narrowly, with no coattails, or he gets destroyed and Dems take back at least the Senate.
@kausmickey Many of those traitorous down ballots like McCain Graham Ayotte, etc. we want out anyway.
@kausmickey @jbarro What GOPe doesn’t understand is that many R voters aren’t conservatives, they just hate “progressives”.