How does Trump assure loyalty of GOP base as moves left on taxes/min wage/social issues? May I suggest immigration twitter.com/ChicagoTrends/…
How does Trump assure loyalty of GOP base as moves left on taxes/min wage/social issues? May I suggest immigration twitter.com/ChicagoTrends/…
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews I just watched entire Todd interview. Trump pushed back and said “increase from my proposal” not current
@kausmickey I think that is easier to take as long as waste is cleaned up and tax $ is spent more efficiently, which I believe he will do.
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews just FYI: I doubt media honesty so watched full video. Dirty media
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews Good suggestion but according to exit polls during the primary, that’s asking a boy to knock out tyson.
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends How does that help keep rich republicans?
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends his word is meaningless.
@kausmickey @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews Yes. And these hyperventilating nevertrumpers want to jam out guys into corners w no way out. Y we lose
@kausmickey it should be more on cancelling trade deals and then immigration… Assuming you’re talking about Trump GOP voters as the base
@kausmickey nothing like someone who boldly flip flops on H1B visas during a debate for that
@kausmickey You may indeed my good sir. It is what will ultimately win him the election.
@kausmickey Obviously, He spoke what HE is far and would like to have. He plainly STATED, congress makes laws n votes, IDIOTS!
@kausmickey Trump sez he doesn’t NEED GOP unity, will get MILLIONS of Dems! https://t.co/PwAF5rkWPP Good luck, Trumpzis!
@kausmickey Immigration is the biggest issue – we are on track for a minority majority and a one-party state – and that’s WITHOUT amnesty.
Gee, what makes you think he gives a sh-t about immigration, Mickey? Or, for that matter, about winning the election?
@kausmickey @MarcACaputo @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews yeah if you think he would deport every illegal immigrant I have a bridge to sell you
@kausmickey @MarcACaputo @ChicagoTrends @WGNNews look at exit polls, most GOP voters support a path to legalization.
There @kausmickey goes again.
1. Get GOP to act crazier about immigration and maybe insult more voters
2. Vote Dem
3. Profit
@kausmickey – If Trump gives up on taxes & min wage, then the GOP $ will have more in common with Hillary on immigration.
@kausmickey He hasn’t moved toward left on these points. He’s offered nothing in writing. Only conjecture & blather for sunday shows.
@kausmickey Trump said that taxes will go up in relation to his plan. That is still a big decrease in taxes on the rich etc.
@kausmickey #Hannity#promisestoAmericans Trum has to stay on ORIGINAL POINTS, or he will lose us.#noamnesty,#nosanctuarycities,#banMuslims!!
@kausmickey people have lost hope they don’t care about the old fault lines of left vs right.they just want their life back..
@kausmickey He’s said this about the deferred interest for hedge fund millionaires for a long time. Nothing new.
@kausmickey @TrustedTrevor @ChicagoTrends Will he need their loyalty if he can pick up Libs who hate Hillary?
@kausmickey He HASN’T moved LEFT on taxes. He said his proposal rate might change in negotiations. Normal. NOT LEFT.