Former Rep Vin Weber suggested influx of workers shld be as free as influx of goods. Is that “open borders.” (Yes.) twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Former Rep Vin Weber suggested influx of workers shld be as free as influx of goods. Is that “open borders.” (Yes.) twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
RT @kausmickey: Former Rep Vin Weber suggested influx of workers shld be as free as influx of goods. Is that “open borders.” (Yes.) https:/…
@kausmickey free movement of workers ok as long as they don’t settle in Bethesda or Chevy Chase
@kausmickey @iptuttle The Giuliani Commission will set them straight.
@kausmickey @iptuttle In this dangerous time of global terrorism the LAST thing we need is “Open Borders”. #NeverHillary #Trump2016
@kausmickey @iptuttle Eliminate welfare and we can talk.
@kausmickey Yes! It’s why there are tech salaries that pay less in 2016 than what they paid in 2000 – too much LEGAL immigration via H1-B!
@kausmickey @iptuttle Net immigration negative last decade. Someday it may dawn on you.
@timrouth @kausmickey @iptuttle since there is no data captured on illegal immigration we cannot believe the -ve immigration number
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian @iptuttle. Let’s shut both down…