Half of GOP Voters Hate Paul Ryan pjmedia.com/election/2016/… #Election Huge disconnect between MSM fanboy worship & actual stature among voters
Half of GOP Voters Hate Paul Ryan pjmedia.com/election/2016/… #Election Huge disconnect between MSM fanboy worship & actual stature among voters
RT @kausmickey: Half of GOP Voters Hate Paul Ryan https://t.co/cTvk2tVgaS #Election Huge disconnect between MSM fanboy worship & actual sta…
@kausmickey Only half?
@kausmickey the half who aren’t lobotomized
@kausmickey Take some ownership.
Kemp gave us Reaganomics, Kasich bal’d budget.
Ryan is 3rd in that chain of great Conservative success.
@kausmickey no half don’t “hate” at best that poll says 18% do (hate=very unfavorable).
@kausmickey also does this take into account fav changes due to recent trump related signalling? if so that’s not hate it’s signalling
@kausmickey Funny how the MSM only mentions Trumps Unlikeability-
@kausmickey let me guess – the same idiot half that nominated Trump?
@kausmickey Because we’re fed up with electing folks who campaign as conservatives and then just play fight.
@kausmickey @genophilia Paul Ryan is a mason Jew slave puppet scumbag shitstain.
@kausmickey Somebody* said that Gore was a dumb person’s idea of a smart person. Ryan is the latest incarnation.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter put it well – don’t negotiate with army-less generals, @realDonaldTrump
The real question: what the fuck is wrong with the other half?
@kausmickey I had no idea his wife was democrat, millionaire lawyer and their house has a huge wall around it!
@kausmickey I fucking hate people who read Ayn Rand. They shoulda gone into engineering.