.@LukeRussert retweeting this says what you need to know about DC reporters’ fanboy suspension of cynicism re: Ryan twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
.@LukeRussert retweeting this says what you need to know about DC reporters’ fanboy suspension of cynicism re: Ryan twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
@kausmickey do DC reporters even know what their job requirements entail now? It sure doesn’t seem like it.
@kausmickey So many of Mr Trump’s opponents are just surrounded by fanboys constantly defending and explaining and covering for them.
@kausmickey @LukeRussert Luke rattled off every negative thing you could say about Trump in his comparison to Ryan. Like Luke likes Ryan?!
@kausmickey @LukeRussert Ryan is so precious
@kausmickey @LukeRussert Maybe one of those girls can get Ryan a babysitting job once he’s out of work.