26 Remember those “Bedtime for Bonzo” attacks that took down Reagan for Jimmy Carter … twitter.com/ChadPergram/st… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @ChadPergram Remember how Reagan campaigned like a mature adult to undercut those attacks?
@kausmickey @ChadPergram
Really reaching now which signifies desperation but also failed attempt to be even remotely clever
@billscher @kausmickey @ChadPergram Mickey’s only response these days is solution: More Immigration!
@kausmickey @Delta_Smelt @ChadPergram what percentage of Americans know who Senator Beady Eyes from Michigan is?
@kausmickey @ChadPergram No, but it sure does give you a nice leg up on the competition!!
@kausmickey Leaving 4 Americans to die qualify in your opinion? #stopHillary
@kausmickey @ChadPergram owning counts for something…
@kausmickey Late James Garner said that Reagan wasn’t qualified to be Governor much less President. He also thought Obama was “Adlai” smart.
@kausmickey Says career politician with a degree in social work, who’s never had a regular job, who wants to censor talk radio
@kausmickey @ChadPergram Does running a 10 billion dollar international real estate business count
@kausmickey Having a husband who uses hookers though is a resume enhancement for the Senate.
@kausmickey @ChadPergram He served 2 terms as gov of CA after that movie.