12 .@JonahNRO: You say “entitlements situation was worse” in ’10. Next graf: “math on entitlements hasn’t changed.” ??? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @JonahNRO That’s because staff at @NRO is employing intern-economist: #steffigraf “Eco-NET-mist”, misspelled in hiring memo.
@kausmickey @JonahNRO Don’t touch entitlements. It’s a loser all day every day. They will spend the money anyway and borrow just as much
@kausmickey @JonahNRO There’s a “no” missing, as in, “entitlement situation was *no* worse” – my guess.
@kausmickey @JonahNRO Republicans were not going to be allowed to whack SocSec/Medicare after wasting $4 trillion on wars.
@kausmickey @JonahNRO No touching Medicare until every iota of luxury gone – First Lady staff, WH dinners, Cong pensions, landscaping etc
@kausmickey @JonahNRO So after fat boy trashes Noonan the whole article, he says he not criticizing her. Wrong at every turn of the election
@KSantal @kausmickey @JonahNRO Or what?
@danjdob @kausmickey @JonahNRO Or we’ll make a stink abt it. They have no moral authority and would waste every savings.
@kausmickey @JonahNRO You didn’t mis-phrase. Your meaning is perfectly clear & your point is right-reforms still needed regardless of “mood”
@KSantal @kausmickey @JonahNRO Hate to break it to you, they do have moral authority, thats what elections are about…you giving it them.