Wall would require “temporary housing for a crew of 1,000 workers.” Impossible! Of course, if they were migrants …nyti.ms/251TSIa
Wall would require “temporary housing for a crew of 1,000 workers.” Impossible! Of course, if they were migrants …nyti.ms/251TSIa
@kausmickey – Why is this all so difficult for the country that built Hoover Dam?? It’s almost like they don’t want to do it or something.
@kausmickey You do realize your wall would mean fewer of the Mexicans you hate could’ve made it back to Mexico post-Great Recession? Hello?
@kausmickey That’s why there was no oil boom in North Dakota. No housing for influx of needed workers. Oh, wait…
@kausmickey I’m pretty sure that 11 million will be offered amnesty after wall is built. At this point…deportation would be a nightmare.
@kausmickey Start with deporting the entire staffs of the NYT and WaPo.
@kausmickey @nytimes Never heard of the Manhattan Project evidently.
@kausmickey Amazing -foreign leaders, leaders of both partys, pundits unified in telling us why it won’t work. Well why are they so worried
@kausmickey I really believe that the only nation to put a man on the moon can build a wall on its border.
@kausmickey Massive fines for busn not using everify & landlords, self deport or if caught you’re DNA tested & u & kids never get citiz’ship
@kausmickey I’ve see it there, yea it can be built. Duh! https://t.co/kB04iehZBq