Meanwhile, Christie’s cat’s paw appointed Senator voted for the Gang of 8 bill. #dealbreaker The bridge scandal is gravy.
Meanwhile, Christie’s cat’s paw appointed Senator voted for the Gang of 8 bill. #dealbreaker The bridge scandal is gravy.
For Gingrich’s immigration problem see dailycaller.com/2011/11/23/new… For Pence search for his name here slate.com/articles/news_…
Gingrich, Christie, Pence — how about a Trump VP pick who *doesn’t* support continued mass immigration? wpo.st/FImj1
Another way of putting it: if unskilled workers embedded in society that valued them, stagnant wages wldn’t = anger twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
.@Chris_arnade twitter feed provocative too–e.g. mobile.twitter.com/Chris_arnade/s… I have quibbles (ie immgration directly hurts wages) but still..
I actually wasn’t sure how Trump’s appeal was (like so much) ultimately “all about respect.” This makes it clearer medium.com/@Chris_arnade/…
Understands “stagnant wage” blow unskilled Americans have faced. But also points out non-economistic, status decline medium.com/@Chris_arnade/…
Solid contender for the best thing I’ve read about Trump’s appeal medium.com/@Chris_arnade/…
Quick, blame it on Brexit! … [April data-ed. Anticipatory Brexit] twitter.com/DanielleMorril…
.@camanpour may take a while to calm down, though. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
“That was fast.” Media-hyped post-Brexit market crash mostly vanishes as quckly as it came. twitter.com/instapundit/st…
I’ve been noticing more advertisements featuring interracial couples. Seems like a welcome and long overdue trend. But it’s almost always a white man and a black woman, not the other way around — an imbalance with powerful and still semi- taboo explanations . This video for the laudably weird new Rolls Royce concept is the rare exception. …
The crude Marxist, economistic explanation for Trump is v-powerful. But isn’t it always about respect-not $-in end? washex.am/293xTcF
Sure he appreciates the congrats for being right, but he doesn’t want congrats. twitter.com/AlexConant/sta…
Ideas That Might Work! Constructive David North proposal buried in this Daily Caller item dailycaller.com/2016/06/28/gov…
Are taxpayers subsidizing Somalia? Hadn’t thought of that possibility. twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
NOW HE TELLS US: Soros says Merkel’s open-door refugee decision badly “thought out” b/c “ignored the pull factor.” breitbart.com/london/2016/06…
Anti-aff action views “do not necessarily reflect racial bias alone”! Might be social “anxiety”! (Principle? Nah) yahoo.com/news/exclusive…
New Documents Suggest IRS’s Lerner Likely Broke the Law
What are these mysterious “vistas [that] cannot yet be discussed at a geopolitical level”-only in “discreet panels”? on.wsj.com/29mhnVW
.@jackshafer says it was James Reston politico.com/magazine/story… twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Free trade doesn’t require “free movement” of people, except in EU ideology bv.ms/28YiUAk
Wasn’t it Walter Lippmann who commented on speeches he’d in fact written? twitter.com/GideonResnick/…
Those richly nuanced multi-volume biographies of Lincoln don’t write themselves, you know. twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Credentialed profs protected by reg. barriers sneer when blue-collar Brits want relief from rapid influx of EU labor arnoldkling.com/blog/a-comment…