The crude Marxist, economistic explanation for Trump is v-powerful. But isn’t it always about respect-not $-in end? washex.am/293xTcF
The crude Marxist, economistic explanation for Trump is v-powerful. But isn’t it always about respect-not $-in end? washex.am/293xTcF
This is where “Social Credit Theory” is helpful. Our ancestors built that advantage the author calls luck. Built it for us.
@kausmickey @dcexaminer When your plant moves offshore and you can’t pay your mortgage? When a urban kid can’t find a decent job? Come on.
.@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian @AnnCoulter @IngrahamAngle Trump’s next move ought to be attacking Carlos Slim. Biggest weakness on trade is…
.@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian @AnnCoulter @IngrahamAngle …sense that “better deals” means hurting poor people in foreign countries…
.@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian @AnnCoulter @IngrahamAngle …if message is that free trade is mostly enriching Plutocrats, much better optics.
.@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian @AnnCoulter @IngrahamAngle Bonus: he can bring up Slim every time the @nytimes says anything against him.
@kausmickey @TPCarney think of the casino decor, it’s risky and exposed, trying and failing and trying again. The appeal of the explorer
@kausmickey @TPCarney think of the Sochi olympics, lionizing Peter the Great for all his huge flaws. That’s confidence in national identity