No. Trump pretty clearly did not say “deport everyone.” Set priorities. Most stay in shadows until enforcement met. twitter.com/BenjySarlin/st…
No. Trump pretty clearly did not say “deport everyone.” Set priorities. Most stay in shadows until enforcement met. twitter.com/BenjySarlin/st…
@kausmickey @BenjySarlin don’t mess with the strawman
@kausmickey He said several times that he won’t shield non-criminals for deportation and he’d revoke orders that do so currently
@kausmickey Amazing how the dishonest media doesn’t report it accurately. Did not say “deport everyone.” Set priorities. Most stay in shadow
@kausmickey BenjySarlin if @realDonaldTrump actually does 1 thing that he said tonight it will be 100% more than our lame GOP!!
@kausmickey But there will be a lot fewer of them staying. #Trump said if caught they’d be deported. That threat will send most home fast.
@BenjySarlin @kausmickey good.
@kausmickey @BenjySarlin Illegal immigration = jihadists’ weapons delivery system of choice. Shut it down.