Here’s a link, judge for yourself: nbcnews.com/nightly-news/v… The FBI/Manafort bit cld have been calmer, more like >… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Here’s a link, judge for yourself: nbcnews.com/nightly-news/v… The FBI/Manafort bit cld have been calmer, more like >… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
@kausmickey NYT is her biggest supporter, surprise it received coverage!
. @kausmickey well, at least you tweeted about it (before you had any proof) bc an unverified guy who has 104 followers was shockingly wrong
@kausmickey @nytimes Love you, Mickey, but if you want me to watch Andrea Mitchell you’re going to have to give me… https://t.co/ffYncsKvrj
@kausmickey @nytimes The little I’ve seen on national news is close to what Clinton campaign would want, amid stran… https://t.co/WCKY0Byv4z