“If Trump betrays voters on immigration, he can have as many rallies as he wants. He will never escape the stink” anncoulter.com/columns/2016-1…
“If Trump betrays voters on immigration, he can have as many rallies as he wants. He will never escape the stink” anncoulter.com/columns/2016-1…
Romney @ State might be great if it weren’t part of what looks like a concerted hijacking of the Trump presidency b… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Only 19 GOPs signed on to Boehner amnesty “principles”-Cantor, Ryan, Ellmers & MCCAUL… Mark of anti-borders brand shar.es/18uYvI
McCaul signed Boehner’s amnesty “principles”? Dealbreaker! That was attempt to sneak through Gangof8/”Amnesty First” shar.es/18uCOz
“I don’t doubt Mr. McCaul’s commitment 2 homeland security, but I do wonder abt his commitment 2 controlling immig.” go.shr.lc/2fPakKk
Readers: Do you want Trump to have a press conference? I don’t want Trump to have a press conference. a) Busy b) Fr… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Rule of thumb-If you were plain #NeverTrump-sure come groveling back 2 him 4 jobs. But if you denounced those who endorsed him as immoral…
.@dansenor is BF w/ Paul Ryan & well-embedded w/ the neocons. If he’s happy w/ Trump I don’t think I’m happy! But… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Um, I don’t think you were a defender of Trump at all. google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j… Too late for soft soap now! (I hope) twitter.com/dansenor/statu…
George Borjas of Harvard for Council of Economic Advisers? Nobody better on impact of immigration on well-being of voters …
Reposting twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Uh-oh. Maybe this is just last-minute careerist suck-up. Or maybe he knows something. … twitter.com/dansenor/statu…
Has any recent book done more damage than “Team of Rivals”?
Reminder: Judge Bork also said it was OK to criminalize flag burning articles.latimes.com/1989-06-26/new… Not his finest hour.
One day it will be fashionable to be a simple egg. An expression of solidarity. There will be Egg Pride marches and… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Main point is that once GOP estab. has SCOTUS filled-just that, even without tax cuts-leverage/balance of power shi… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
The insidious Ryan/Pence/Priebus/Singer/Senor/Norquist strategy to stop/destroy Trump (& Trumpism) becomes clearer! kausfiles.com/2016/11/28/wat…
Short, succinct. Last graf makes the basic point. twitter.com/RAVerBruggen/s…
“Kris Kobach for DHS Secretary” amgreatness.com/2016/11/26/kri…
Watch out, Trump! kausfiles.com/2016/11/28/wat…
V-good point by @brianbeutler: Once GOP est. gets those two things no more need 4 Trump. Obverse paranoid gloss her… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
New Republic’s Brian Beutler makes a good point: Once Congressional Republicans get an acceptable (to them) Supreme Court nominee, and some tax and regulatory cuts, they have vastly less need for Trump, no? They are likely to stop defending him and maybe even go on the attack. The outlines of a paranoid-but-plausible Ryan restorationist strategy now seem pretty clear: Step 1) Take up all available legislative space with tax reform, regulatory reform, the SCOTUS nominee and Ryan’s wildly unpopular grand plan to turn the bedrock Medicare program into a “premium support” (i.e. voucher) plan. No room for any controversial Trump legislation that would need the “100 days” honeymoon to push through; Step 2) Once SCOTUS and tax cuts are in hand, and Medicare voucherization bogs down or dies, declare that the country has been saved, turn on Trump, and effectively end his presidency one way or another. **… The upshot is that if Trump wants to pass any legislation that Ryan/Pence/Priebus/Singer/Senor/Norquist don’t want (i.e. relating to immigration and trade) he’d better do it quickly, before he lets them achieve their two immediate goals. …
** — It only takes a majority to impeach. But Republicans could simply not pass anything Trump proposes, while launching investigations into his executive actions.
In other words, Ryan’s preferred legislation is frankly presented as a substitute for @realDonaldTrump doing what h… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Remember, with Mitt you get adviser @dansenor, whose anti-Trump machinations haven’t gotten enough publicity realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/08/…!
New @GroverNorquist spin clear-‘Hey Trump doesn’t need 2 do anything abt trade & immig. if he gets tax & reg reform’ washingtonexaminer.com/can-the-trump-…