.@dansenor is BF w/ Paul Ryan & well-embedded w/ the neocons. If he’s happy w/ Trump I don’t think I’m happy! But… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
.@dansenor is BF w/ Paul Ryan & well-embedded w/ the neocons. If he’s happy w/ Trump I don’t think I’m happy! But… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@kausmickey @dansenor How can any of the #draintheswamp followers be happy?
@kausmickey You’re getting Sessions &,tho that’s a mixed bag from your perspective, it’s most of what you want (immigration law enforcement)
@kausmickey @dansenor you can always recognize talentless establishment conservatives by the way they are easily impressed with mediocrity.
@kausmickey @dansenor This needs more attention! I trust Trump I don’t trust the #3Rs, Reince, Romney, and Ryan. Traitors all three Rs
@kausmickey @dansenor To refresh memories, @dansenor gave the Billy Bush tape to NBC. I seriously doubt Mr. Senor is going places anymore.
@kausmickey @dansenor To add a bit further, though, I’ll be the unhappiest man on Earth is Establishment hump Romney gets SoS (he won’t).
@kausmickey @dansenor that dinner picture of DT, Romney, & Priebus doesn’t help!
@kausmickey @dansenor Please don’t go full Killary: https://t.co/puDdblRs44
@kausmickey @ScottMGreer he and his wifey did all they could to prevent President Trump and now he is acting like he is BFF
@kausmickey @dansenor The way you’re gnawing at these guys’ ankles like you and your priorites matter to anybody is very endearing.
@kausmickey Stockman thinks Mnuchin app’t is “horrid.”
@kausmickey @dansenor Trump will let them succeed doing his bidding and convert GOP to Trumpism or they fail and he does it himself #winning
@kausmickey lolz
@kausmickey @dansenor Yes,it’s simplistic.If we want to unite the country,let’s be in favor of what we like regardless,& disfavor regardless