Checking in on the Jebbernaut/Hindenbush: At this point in 2000 race “W” was over 50% in Gallup poll. Jeb is at 17% realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/…
Checking in on the Jebbernaut/Hindenbush: At this point in 2000 race “W” was over 50% in Gallup poll. Jeb is at 17% realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/…
@kausmickey Yeah but 2000 was basically a W coronation with some mild resistance from McCain. Very different field this year.
@kausmickey Mickey – Curious your view on @JebBush’s potential candidacy. Haven’t seen many tweets on it lately.
Holy moly Kaus… ‘Hindenbush’ is pure genius.