Recriminations! twitter.com/murphymike/sta…
Recriminations! twitter.com/murphymike/sta…
Solid Trump/Cruz poll story from Green/Kapur//”How Trump Carved Up Cruz’s Support in Weeks Before Iowa Caucus” bloom.bg/1nWot9L
Man who sells out 4 amnesty in 2013 will sell out 4 amnesty again. Lesson Rubio’ll learn is he can talk his way out twitter.com/ARustyStar/sta…
Rubio’s Clintonian weaseling on “no *blanket* amnesty” shows he’ll use any linguistic loophole to sneak mass legalization past the GOP base.
NOW HE TELLS US: Rubio Spokesman Admits: Gang of Eight Bill Did Not ‘Secure the Borders First’
Even if you’re naive enuf to buy Rubio’s new “secure the border” line, it’s important 2 punish him 4 joining Gangof8 kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
Trump winning among “regular Republicans” desmoinesregister.com/story/news/ele… Sorry, @baseballcrank redstate.com/2016/01/25/wil…
Trump-“smash-mouth game show host”
Cruz-“ultraconservative obstructionist”
They’re subtle dmreg.co/1SQR3WH
Preserving for posterity …. Also: Expectations! twitter.com/BillKristol/st…
Selzer/@DMRegister poll really needs a LeBron-style reveal
Cheerleading Alert twitter.com/EliStokols/sta…
Does he say he’s against “blanket” amnesty like Rubio–meaning he’s for 99.999% amnesty? Very Clintonesque of Rubio. twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
Sowell piece just said voters shouldn’t vote emotions. Not a lotta policy there, or even Trump character critique twitter.com/jackfowler/sta…
I think this Coulter v. FOX thing is getting serious! twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Might be a red Herring! But worth pursuing. Has Sasse already sold out on immigration? twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
Chait notes “oddly thin” quality of NR Trump clusterbash-w/ says he’s not normal conservative (true) w/o then defending normal conservatism.
Does lazy charge of “racial demagoguery” prevent lib media (HuffPo/Buzzfeed/NY/TNR) from grokking full Trump appeal? nymag.com/daily/intellig…
“Trump’s main policy differentiator is immig. & here he differs from his opponents only in tone & emphasis.” ???? nymag.com/daily/intellig…
“The opposing factions are not divided over a policy question …” @jonathanchait lost me at sentence #3 nymag.com/daily/intellig…
GOP elite wants to Hispander 2 stay in power so they can do something voters don’t care about (cut taxes) #nocompute bv.ms/1PIZzXw
McArdle: Republicans can no longer win votes by promising to cut taxes bv.ms/1PIZzXw
#marcophants What about the old notion that you push back against the person you cover? Not the @politico Way! politico.com/story/2016/01/…
In Russia, Kitchin get out of you! (Also in Irving, TX) thebea.st/1QMslpg
REUPPING: @AJDelgado13‘s encyclopedic effort: “20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump in 2016” breitbart.com/big-government…
#BestoftheWeb on journalists and PC. @BuzzFeedBen hardest hit. Obvious answer: It’s marketing for Buzzfeed/HuffPo on.wsj.com/1UvB7qK