On deep Ryan ties 2 “pro-immigration mafia” breitbart.com/big-government… No wonder he talks self-glorifying non-specifics twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
On deep Ryan ties 2 “pro-immigration mafia” breitbart.com/big-government… No wonder he talks self-glorifying non-specifics twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
@kausmickey Ryan is owned by donors who are making huge money off illegal immigration. Like Koch brothers. Simple as that. Other GOPe are 2.
@kausmickey Brietbart writer fondly looks back on time when Peter Brimelow appeared in @NRO.
@kausmickey @BreitbartNews Ryan is a Democrat mole of the highest order. Just look at his record.
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan Ruan needs to go back to Janesville. Full stop. Period. He has lost touch with the American “citizenry!”
@kausmickey https://t.co/jvJMy05hkn
@PRyan should be deported. @kausmickey