The Big-Spending Immigrant theory. Sure immigrants lower wages but they make up for it by consuming! Very skeptical. Thread here
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) December 31, 2017
from Twitter
People come to the US because it is a good-deal. Their best option as they see it. Since RWR’s Presidency the only good deal in the US has been government transfer programs. The current crop of immigrants are being sent home because they have caused a massive (Federal, State, and Local) government debt problem. The debt must be inflated away. All other attempts, eg sequestering, have been thwarted by politically powerful people who don’t understand how wealth is created (eg Pelosi). With open boarders debt grows faster than wages and transfer payments. Trump has secret support from parts of the (so called) deep state because the US is at the can’t-go-on-same-way-stage. Regardless of what Baghdad-Bob-imitators say.