More voters care “most” about illegal immigration than foreign policy i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/image…
More voters care “most” about illegal immigration than foreign policy i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2015/image…
.@RoyBeck_NUSA: @realDonaldTrump shows signs of caving to media pressure, stumbles on amnesty numbersusa.com/blog/pro-amnes…
“It is true, that the numbers making the Latino vote very important for just one election aren’t really there …” politico.com/magazine/story…
“Latinos may decide a presidential election one day. But it won’t be in 2016.” politico.com/magazine/story…
Where would Trump be without his initial immigration rant? 1% in polls? 2%? No matter how much vague “anger” there is. #Itsimmigrationstupid
Whoever speaks to @continetti‘s “radical middle” freebeacon.com/columns/reveng… is going to get a helluva ride. Don’t see why it can’t be a GOP.
Think @continetti‘s “radical middle” freebeacon.com/columns/reveng… and “Moe Tucker Conservatives” are one and the same dailycaller.com/2014/10/09/moe…
“Through it all [a] myopic drive on the part of leaders in both parties to enact a ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ freebeacon.com/columns/reveng…
The graf beginning “These voters don’t give a whit about corporate tax reform” is great-even also a bit condescending freebeacon.com/columns/reveng…
I want to be Joe McCarthy — you got to be Joe McCarthy last night.
Trump’s Joe McCarthy? I thought Walker was Joe McCarthy. One Joe McCarthy at a time, people. …
The Trump has achieved self-awareness. twitter.com/daveweigel/sta…
Bigger issue than MSM admits-66% of Mexicans think US has no right to limit immigration (Pew) asanet.org/journals/ASR/A… twitter.com/stranahan/stat…
Man, if this is the best they have against Walker (“scapegoating toothless trade unions”) he’s in great shape wpo.st/eE2S0
Did GOP donors fund a $100M Death Star? kausfiles.com/2015/07/23/pos…
Trump is about to leave the GOP’s 2016 strategy in shreds, and it may be the best thing that’s happened to them kausfiles.com/2015/07/23/pos…
If Trump kills the GOP Plan A — well Plan A sucked. kausfiles.com/2015/07/23/pos…
Wouldn’t it be even more Alpha if one of the top 10 candidates stood up to Fox & said “Let everyone into the debate” washex.am/1LAoMjP
Kristol not dead to Trump! twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
How is Trump “poisoning the GOP’s relationship” with white voters? Because other GOPs attack him & voters hate that? newrepublic.com/article/122350…
If I were listing “cancers” on GOP I’d say 1) K St, 2) Bush family & attendant psycodrama. Trump wouldn’t make top 10 politico.com/story/2015/07/…
Kristol’s argument is Trump brings new voters (not the usual social or tax-cut conservs) into GOP tent twitter.com/johnmarzan/sta…
Kristol notes that GOP has been doing better in polls vs. Hillary, not worse, since Trump got in race twitter.com/johnmarzan/sta…
Possibilities: How Jeb’s $100M SuperPac could hurt the GOP … kausfiles.com/2015/07/23/pos…
Here’s another perverse possibility: a) Yes, Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants are already so toxic they destroy whatever hope the GOP had of winning many more Latino votes in 2016; but b) that will force the eventual GOP nominee , probably not Trump, to pursue the alternative “Rust Belt” strategy — harvesting white working class votes — that actually has always been a better bet (since Latinos weren’t going to switch to the GOP next year anyway) but was resisted by the business- and donor-oriented GOP establishment because the latter favored more immigration and immigration amnesty. …