I’ve tried but still don’t understand why it was smart 4 House conservatives 2 vote against Boehner’s 3-week DHS punt politico.com/story/2015/03/…
I’ve tried but still don’t understand why it was smart 4 House conservatives 2 vote against Boehner’s 3-week DHS punt politico.com/story/2015/03/…
@kausmickey argument Mulvaney made to reporters today: we already knew GOP leadership wasn’t going to do anything to put pressure on Ds
@kausmickey they wanted to make a statement and 1 week was enough
@kausmickey @McCormackJohn Because it plays well to the base; let the Democrats “win” this one. House esp. has to run again in about a year
@kausmickey easy – STUPID PARTY
@kausmickey The whole approach is wrong. Amnesty’s a horrible issue–deporting crying kids, etc. Better issues are borders and employers
@kausmickey Lots of Western countries have this problem, and all 1) absorb those who get in and 2) focus on keeping more out
@kausmickey @instapundit Because there’s always another surrender just ahead, Mickey.
@kausmickey 3 weeks would have been better if you don’t have a viable plan with a chance to succeed, and actually want to implement one.
@kausmickey Pressure on Democrats was never going to work. The only path was a Senate majority vote for what GOP said was constitutional.
@kausmickey The GOP congressional leadership is in the service of the donor class, which has opposite goals vs the rank and file.