Dave Weigel pushs back smugly but effectively on the Harry Reid beat-up undernews. I demand a reenactment. (Why not?) bloom.bg/1NvGnWA
Dave Weigel pushs back smugly but effectively on the Harry Reid beat-up undernews. I demand a reenactment. (Why not?) bloom.bg/1NvGnWA
@kausmickey I’d love a piece on the current State of the Undernews. Where does it start and end? Who on the Right is Undernews?
@kausmickey On the Right, it seems like everybody is Undernews outside of FoxNews and Drudge. Talk radio seems mostly Undernews now.
@kausmickey Are Blaze, Breitbart, DCaller, etc all Undernews?
I love the Undernews concept. Very useful
@kausmickey @daveweigel dude Dan Burton has already tossed a nordictrack at a watermelon. Results inconclusive.
only if @kausmickey portrays Reid @daveweigel
@kausmickey @daveweigel first rule of mob fight club…..
@kausmickey @jamespmanley Don’t you have some poor undocumented immigrant to revile?