Don’t quite see why New Hampshire is “must-win” for Jeb. Depends whom he loses to, no? If it’s just Rand Paul … wapo.st/1Q1onY9
Don’t quite see why New Hampshire is “must-win” for Jeb. Depends whom he loses to, no? If it’s just Rand Paul … wapo.st/1Q1onY9
@kausmickey If you can’t beat 2nd tier candidates you’re not a playah.
@kausmickey Why does anyone, except liberals, want another Bush? Too much baggage, just like Clinton.
@kausmickey Assumption is that he loses Iowa. He’s got to win somewhere. Plus, no one had won nomination without IA or NH. Yet.
@kausmickey NH borders 2 of the 5 Bush Family Ancestral Homeland States. ME and MA. The other 3 being CT, FL and TX.