Crucial swing bloc: Blacks not Latinos, say Walter/Wasserman cookpolitical.com/story/8666 More of those arguments from 15 years ago @alexburnsNYT
Crucial swing bloc: Blacks not Latinos, say Walter/Wasserman cookpolitical.com/story/8666 More of those arguments from 15 years ago @alexburnsNYT
@kausmickey Ha. “Black voters are essential to Democrats” isn’t an outdated argument, but it is a very obvious one.
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Calling them a swing bloc is not really accurate. An essential bloc for Dems is correct
@kausmickey @instapundit @alexburnsNYT Everyone needs to set aside their models from the past. We are not there anymore.
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Teaching at impoverished N.O. Black college in 2004, my students had huge # of “Adam/Eve Not Adam/Steve” buttons
@kausmickey @alexburnsNYT Distributed by African-American churches. Rove correct (strange thing to write) that it’s a wedge issue w/Blacks.