17 I don’t think Kasich’s really like Huntsman? Did Huntsman run around boasting of his compassion? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey NOBODY’S TOTALLY LIKE ANYONE! Ok got that said.
@kausmickey Kasich connects w people in a way that Huntsman didn’t. He just comes off as more authentic.
@kausmickey Campaign strategy of Bush and Kasich is to “be nice.”
@kausmickey Kasich might as well be Jerry Brown with surrender to illegal immigrants inevitability.
@kausmickey The thing that unites Kasich & Huntsman is their contempt for GOP base & overpowering smugness.
@kausmickey You love to exaggerate. Stating his compassion is hardly boasting.
@robertwrighter @kausmickey authentic? Kasich lies about his #Obamacare expansion nearly every time he’s asked.
@jasonahart @kausmickey I said he comes off as authentic–in the way he talks, emotes, etc.–not that he is.
@robertwrighter @kausmickey ah, yes – he’s been practicing awhile! NH voters seem to be buying so far (in a vacuum filled with Kasich ads).
@kausmickey hunstman ran around pretending that he fucking loved science so much, he was the GOP Neil Tyson D & lamenting how dumb we were.
@kausmickey And no one has ever done an ad as stupid as that motorcycle ad that Huntsman used to “introduce” himself.
@kausmickey Kasich manages to sound like a working-class Midwest Republican while Huntsman sounded like a candidate for the NY-DC set.
@robertwrighter @kausmickey I agree but he has no chance