32 Walker objects to “arbitrary limits on immigration.” Makes me nervous! He wants them to go up? When? Why? How? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey If I was reading it right, his point was that limits are set without regard to effects on workers. Exact opposite of raising it
@kausmickey Walker is a work in progress. Jeff Sessions just barely pried him away from the Koch boys on immigration. #nhpolitics #iacaucus
I think biggest accomplishment of MSM4DNC (except for @kausmickey) is to make most ppl think immg to USA is not numerically astronomical.
@kausmickey walkers a mess…nnnnnext
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian aka, “thinking about & analyzing a decision before you make it” & “being a thoughtful leader not a mouthpiece”
@kausmickey Walker is Koch donor group favorite, ~ $1B up for grabs, not an encouraging sign.
.@PolicyLord: given http://t.co/WneA77dIIz I’m curious about your bio’s claim. PS @KausMickey is fake: he’s refused to help stop amnesty.
@24AheadDotCom_ folks need to know, I am the only twitter feed dedicated to keepin’ it real. As 4 @kausmickey, progs gonna find their prole.