12 Ace: “How the GOP can kneecap Trump” ace.mu.nu/archives/35899… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey That’s not actually by Ace
@jpodhoretz @kausmickey that’s @drewmtips
@kausmickey McConnell cares more about saving GOP Senate, which takes big bucks from Big Business.
@kausmickey They’re going to have to get past Limbaugh first, he’s a non-stop Trump supporter, wonder what’s in it for him.
@kausmickey I bet firing coaches won’t help. Nosedivery still looms leading to apathy. Then Immigration will be bupkis as issue for GOP.