The problem is if they acknowledge it’s big issue it gives voters permission to register their (unacceptable) views twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
The problem is if they acknowledge it’s big issue it gives voters permission to register their (unacceptable) views twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
@kausmickey James Pindell(Boston Globe) is just eccentric enough to pinpoint IMMIGRATION as a litmus test for GOP. Other reporters hide.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @davidfrum I believe America has fallen asleep at the wheel
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @davidfrum Not “skepticism” about immigration but opposition to it.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter Offical party line of MSM/GOP/Dems is all criticism of immigration is per se racist, hence not entitled to air time