Seems like there is a semi-explicit promise from Trump to his voters that he’ll spend a substantial amount of money foxnews.com/politics/2015/…
Seems like there is a semi-explicit promise from Trump to his voters that he’ll spend a substantial amount of money foxnews.com/politics/2015/…
@kausmickey why not? It’s going to be toilet paper soon anyway. Print more and get something for it while ppl taking it.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump will do whatever is necessary to win! And his supporters are beside him 100%!!!!
@kausmickey But he’s gonna spend it on US, not THEM, right? #PopulistPromises
@kausmickey @FoxNews Voters? Someone has cast a vote for Trump?
@kausmickey Do you think billionaire Mark Cuban is correct in that DT doesn’t have the cash flow and doesn’t like spending it anyway?
@grimmryanm @kausmickey that’s my hope.
@MDHtoo @kausmickey Interesting that no one comments on it much.
@grimmryanm @kausmickey Also he intends to spend nothing in the general, thinking GOP will pick up tab. Takes indy run off table IMHO.
@kausmickey @FoxNews Obama, is a little mouse. Trump is the Alpha-Male in a Wolf pack!
@MDHtoo @kausmickey Exactly. And that will be his excuse to drop out if he is coming close to wining nomination. He’ll pick a fight-bow out.