Fought Obamacare. And lost. Fought Gang of 8, kinda. And lost in Senate (left it to House to block). But pretty ad. twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
Fought Obamacare. And lost. Fought Gang of 8, kinda. And lost in Senate (left it to House to block). But pretty ad. twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
@kausmickey Dude, he kicked ass on Gang of 8.
@kausmickey Cruz hasn’t Won shit! His ad claims he won the pledge of allegiance? Pretty sure they’ve yanked God outta that in every school!
@kausmickey Cruz = Crock Of Shit!!!! #PoliticalPuppet #TRUMP2016
@kausmickey Good ad for someone running for AG or Solicitor General (Cruz would excel in both roles). It’s not a very presidential ad, tho.
@kausmickey @RichLowry does it matter to you? you are a registered democrat and voted BHO, right?
@kausmickey He fought by himself.
@kausmickey #LiberalConManTrump @realDonaldTrump funded Reid, Hillary, supported amnesty until 6months ago, praised obama, was a dem
@kausmickey Fact is we’re bidding time, no way will we allow #LiberalConManTrump @realDonaldTrump to win. CRUZ will crush him the right time
@kausmickey And by then if u still insist on trusting #LiberalConManTrump @realDonaldTrump u & @anncoulter will be alone w/him
@kausmickey #LiberalConManTrump @realDonaldTrump wd cut even worse deals w/dems, grow govt, grant amnesty. Only the gullible trust him
@kausmickey Some of us played along cuz he pushed the immig issue. Not that we trust him to be POTUS. @anncoulter is gullibe, trusted Mitch
@kausmickey But it’s reckoning time. And the #LiberalConManTrump @realDonaldTrump is so impulsive that he’ll go after CRUZ, & loose badly
@kausmickey And by the way, you are a democrat
@kausmickey @SenTedCruz wasn’t in the Senate when Obamacare passed.
@kausmickey @RichLowry Don’t like the “Trust Ted” at the end, even with the convergence to “TrusTed”. First name cuts into gravitas factor.
Lieber Kurt, liebe Ursula,ja, das hoffen wir auch, aber wir sind auch voll Vertrauen, dass uns das begegnet wer weiß, vielleicht bleibt sie mir ja au;e3#82&0cLihber Gruß Esther