16 Cheerleading Alert twitter.com/EliStokols/sta… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @EliStokols @apalmerdc @politico scored some X
@kausmickey there is a fine line between journalism and advocacy, and then there’s politico.
@kausmickey Rubio: a very good VP. Learn from Trump for a few years, then take over. A nice, sane, 12-16 year period.
@kausmickey @EliStokols @apalmerdc He’s the only one who can beat Hillairy!!! The media keeps saying it. They’re so credible
@PhatPhinger5 @kausmickey Gang of 8….he may as well leave politics. Zero credibility.
@kausmickey where the American Indian tribes xenophobic for fighting the European invasion
@kausmickey in retrospect shouldn’t they have made a better effort to not let the first wave of migrants in.
@Nat_Geo_Boobies @kausmickey OK. What an alias? lol! my ass off. Geez.
@kausmickey @EliStokols @apalmerdc @politico we tried cheerleaders in gov. with closet case #RINO Trent Lott & dumb W. How’d that work out?
@kausmickey Don’t like Nikki Haley for VP. I’m way anti-muslim. Think this is a cultural nightmare.Nothing redeems Sharia in the US. Nothing
@kausmickey Rubio Fever is burning up the media the way Fiorina Fever once did , and just days before the caucuses too – surprise!
@PhatPhinger5 @kausmickey making the world a boobier place. One booby at a time. You’ve been boobtized