Even if you’re naive enuf to buy Rubio’s new “secure the border” line, it’s important 2 punish him 4 joining Gangof8 kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
Even if you’re naive enuf to buy Rubio’s new “secure the border” line, it’s important 2 punish him 4 joining Gangof8 kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
@kausmickey because no politician has ever changed his mind… Yeah.
@kausmickey yeah, trump was in favor of partial birth abortion
@kausmickey even if you’re naive enuf to buy Reagan’s “conservatism” line, it’s important 2 punish him for once being a democrat
@kausmickey time marches on…don’t care about the stupid gang of 8 – care about the future &, with @marcorubio the future looks very bright
@ARustyStar @kausmickey Gang of 8 was Spring of 2013, not exactly “in the past”