Man who sells out 4 amnesty in 2013 will sell out 4 amnesty again. Lesson Rubio’ll learn is he can talk his way out twitter.com/ARustyStar/sta…
Man who sells out 4 amnesty in 2013 will sell out 4 amnesty again. Lesson Rubio’ll learn is he can talk his way out twitter.com/ARustyStar/sta…
@kausmickey @ARustyStar @marcorubio good lesson to learn for all those @realDonaldTrump supporters too. Past actions speak volumes
@kausmickey @marcorubio no one can predict the future based on the past. With Rubio we can win and begin to stop the madness that is Obama.
@kausmickey Rubio is too young and inexperienced to be president – hasn’t finished one term in Senate. Like JFK, good VP material, not prez.
@kausmickey @ARustyStar @marcorubio you say that like it is a bad thing
@ARustyStar @kausmickey @BNLieb So says the amnestisiac. #immigration #amnesty
@ARustyStar @kausmickey @marcorubio Win what? A pyrrhic victory is no victory at all.
@kausmickey if trump can change his position on amnesty, so can rubio. @anncoulter