“Had Marco Rubio not been foolish enough to endorse [Schumer’s] immigration plan he might be the front-runner now.” usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
“Had Marco Rubio not been foolish enough to endorse [Schumer’s] immigration plan he might be the front-runner now.” usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
@kausmickey yup!
@kausmickey @USATODAY @instapundit and John Wilkes Booth might be remembered as a great actor if he hadn’t done you know what…
@kausmickey @USATODAY Schumer convinced Rubio at Senate gym of Republican need of plan and how it would benefit to him personally. Whoops.
@kausmickey I’m glad he did sooner than later though.
@kausmickey @USATODAY no, he’s not a contender because he’s not a good campaigner who has mass appeal
@kausmickey @USATODAY Rubio joined Schumer with the blessings of the GOP as as part of their “woo the Hispanic vote” strategy.
@kausmickey During that time, someone pointed out that Schumer had a near perfect SAT score while Rubio was in the 1100s
@kausmickey I always said that would come back to bite him.
@kausmickey @USATODAY From Wikipedia: “He is a board member of Theranos” https://t.co/iYZiXFL1iq
@kausmickey Rubio had nothing but family stories. I heard too much about every member of his family but the drug dealer brother-in-law.
@KSantal @kausmickey I don’t have a comment
@kausmickey Is there anyone other than Kristol pleading for Mattis? Could anyone, outside of military pick him out of a lineup?
@kausmickey @johnblakeart Fortunately Rubio gave us a gift early on . Empty suit Pol if there ever was one .
@kausmickey @USATODAY it was a no-lose scenario for Schumer. If he wins – amnesty and expand Dem. voter rolls. Lose – fatally weaken Rubio.