All Cruz’s fault 4 mentioning immigration! Trump ran with it. The 80% of voters they split wld’ve ignored otherwise! on.wsj.com/1SZHeUz
All Cruz’s fault 4 mentioning immigration! Trump ran with it. The 80% of voters they split wld’ve ignored otherwise! on.wsj.com/1SZHeUz
@kausmickey Cruz allowing himself to get outflanked on immigration was the most shocking occurrence of GOP primary. Still can’t believe it.
As usual, the WSJ has it bass ackwards. The GOPe created Trump and ignited Cruz.
@kausmickey SUNK BC >> https://t.co/KQZJ55Zt0s
@kausmickey And yet I just saw Spkr. Ryan bitching about Trump needing to do what Ryan wants before he’ll support Trump. #Clueless.
@kausmickey Yeah the biased, dishonest WSJ is a great source. They don’t hate Trump too much.
@kausmickey @WSJ You were expecting thembto take responsibility themselves. They always blame the Chrisians.
@kausmickey @WSJ Cruz should have maintained the GOP game of deception on immigration and left the flood gates wide open?