Second place in Sen primary occupied by Congresswoman who may be most famous for her cat being on fire dailycaller.com/wp-content/upl…
Second place in Sen primary occupied by Congresswoman who may be most famous for her cat being on fire dailycaller.com/wp-content/upl…
Kamala Harris is practically Anointed. Expected (by Californians) to win easily. But only 8.5 pt ahead? twitter.com/RobL777/status…
Details meaty too: legs vs. wheels, friendly subservient robots vs. job takers twitter.com/MattRosoff/sta…
Pretty stunning omission twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Why doesn’t @nicknotned apologize to @peterthiel (instead of vaguely alluding to Gawker’s new “responsibility”)? Mightn’t that help?
Mightn’t there be another factor in tightening of labor market? Didn’t immigrant inflow slow? Not saying main factr twitter.com/Noahpinion/sta…
“The really big shock came after China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.” Don’t tell Trump! … bv.ms/27RzJqB
That Rubio is the big winner in all this? twitter.com/stephenfhayes/…
“conservatives..in think tanks..are more likely 2 disavow Trump than..cong. staffers.” b/c totally depend on donors? huffingtonpost.com/michael-f-cann…
This is also why a guaranteed “basic income” seems like a potentially very bad idea. Men won’t be at their best … shar.es/1dyW3V
“Where Trump goes, unrest follows.” Really, @KatyTurNBC?
Simplest explanation: Ryan put lot of effort into grandiose Agenda. Soon as he backs Trump nobody will pay attention twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
Good point. “Work encouragement” in Ryan plan itself is weak. Will it be watered down further to “work suggestion”? twitter.com/GTG9801/status…
Yes. White non-college share of vote (all sexes) about equal to white-w/college share theatlantic.com/politics/archi… twitter.com/AlecMacGillis/…
Because Americans are crying out to roll all antipoverty programs into a cash dole with a weak work requirement! twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
Still waiting for @dansenor to give him permission! twitter.com/samsteinhp/sta…
Maybe the negotiations with Steve Miller to get Trump to sell out on immigration aren’t going as well as Ryan hoped. twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
But because of the mild criticism it *seems* less phony than the usual no-criticism unity BS. twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
Solution: More immigration! twitter.com/azeem/status/7…
.@HopeHcks Gina Gershon in Bound. You’re welcome
Ryan wasn’t alive in 1968. twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
On deep Ryan ties 2 “pro-immigration mafia” breitbart.com/big-government… No wonder he talks self-glorifying non-specifics twitter.com/SpeakerRyan/st…
.@Edsall often out-of-step with ‘GOPS-doomed-by-demography’ pundit pack. So far he’s been right. nyti.ms/1WSn57x
Don’t give up, Hillary! Trump is still “eminently beatable” … “in theory.” nyti.ms/1WSn57x
Hillary down to 14% among white men w/o college degrees! (She only gets 33% of white men *with* college degrees). nyti.ms/1WSn57x