Can I take Sanchez (w/ odds) vs Harris? Sanchez has 2 say a couple of non-PC things. She’s certainly capable of that sacbee.com/news/politics-…
Can I take Sanchez (w/ odds) vs Harris? Sanchez has 2 say a couple of non-PC things. She’s certainly capable of that sacbee.com/news/politics-…
@kausmickey theres way more hispanics in this state than blacks.
@kausmickey Not voting for either, but Sanchez is linked tightly with La Raza.
@kausmickey @Cernovich @Nero More proof that California has become a one party state. That’ll be the fate for US if Trump doesn’t prevail.
@kausmickey check @PredictIt_
@kausmickey @sacbee_news Interesting! Beyond Latino appeal, Sanchez offers SoCal an opt out from NorCal “arrangement” btwn G Newsom & Harris
But would NOT having Harris as AG anymore be a motivation for cons/Repubs to “blank” that ballot instead?