6) Finally (of c) confirms 2 me appeal of social equality vs economic equality-or even higher GDP. Cld write a book! amazon.com/End-Equality-S…
6) Finally (of c) confirms 2 me appeal of social equality vs economic equality-or even higher GDP. Cld write a book! amazon.com/End-Equality-S…
@kausmickey “could write a book!” made of TWEETS!
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @amazonbooks great gdp doesn’t = great quality of life. Sad!
.@kausmickey When spreading a message over multiple tweets, if you make each a reply to previous tweet it’s easier to follow. (1/2)
@kausmickey -Right. Poor whites used to rely on racism & good old boy network to compensate. Now they can’t. Thus, anger @ lost social value
@kausmickey – Poor whites need 30 years of “welfare queen” browbeating.
@kausmickey unless equality encourages hate and violence (Rene Girard’s mimetic theory). Actually explains a lot
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter Nonsensical