Seems wrong, as CW (esp. wishful anti-Trump CW) often is. We’re barely in first quarter of an NBA game twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Seems wrong, as CW (esp. wishful anti-Trump CW) often is. We’re barely in first quarter of an NBA game twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
@kausmickey @ByronYork Can you please explain what CW means? I’m so lost.
@kausmickey Had a bad 2 weeks w/ Curiel (sometimes hard to recover frm political stumbles). Plus GOPe smelled blood in the water & piled on.
@kausmickey @ByronYork point of MSM press offensive coordinated w HRC campaign to disqualify him
@kausmickey @ByronYork unprecedented press hostility and coordination seems to be having impact
@kausmickey I remember the “Its the beginning of the end…” lie they floated early in the primary.https://t.co/BqAQd2LS8a
@kausmickey @ByronYork we’re not talking about jobs report or inability to protect from terror attacks, but about Trump tone
@kausmickey @ByronYork would expect a shift to Trump in post-Orlando polls.
@kausmickey Crooked Hillary is cooked. Weak on terror, under investigation. Wishful thinking. Every day is a month in this crazy election.
@kausmickey yeah right. Where is this groundswell for Hillary. I don’t see it, hear it or feel it. She has no buzz. Wait until October.
@idestHQ @kausmickey 49 dead in the largest terrorist attack on American soil and everyone forgot about Curiel.
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 @ByronYork If this is being cooked, its going to taste like a plate of Paula Dean’s ribs.
@kausmickey anti-Trump CW is really an attempt at (((predictive prophecy)))
@kausmickey the nevertrumpers still hope to replace trump before the convention
@kausmickey @ByronYork
@kausmickey if this is about that Bloomberg poll, Trump is actually 6 pts closer to Clinton than previously. https://t.co/E1082C6rvO