Trump drops Muslim ban, blames “radical” Islamists, not Islam. NYT reports on anti-pluralist speech he didn’t give nyti.ms/1tmjvWf
Trump drops Muslim ban, blames “radical” Islamists, not Islam. NYT reports on anti-pluralist speech he didn’t give nyti.ms/1tmjvWf
@kausmickey Wrong. He also he blamed Muslim Americans for not doing more, hence painting them all with the same brush.
@kausmickey A logical person might think its good for most Muslims to sharply delineate “radical.”
@kausmickey @Meeeedge Wish Trump would mention this. @tgifradioshow1 @BarracudaMama #HillaryForPrison2016 https://t.co/k24ajihetS
@kausmickey Now longer content to slant news, NYT has moved on to outright lying.
@kausmickey I don’t think he dropped Muslim ban; seemed to graft Cruz-like pause in immigration from terrorist areas onto ban.