“Media coverage is likely to be more adversarial.” Ya think? So adversarial they’ll get bored with being adversarial washex.am/1YvwL7b
“Media coverage is likely to be more adversarial.” Ya think? So adversarial they’ll get bored with being adversarial washex.am/1YvwL7b
@kausmickey MSM is being left behind…and their arrogance prevents them from seeing it…rather funny!
@kausmickey It’s gonna be a slugfest & Hillary is gonna get bashed. She’s weak, dragged down by her scandals, lies & corruption. KO for DJT!
@kausmickey @dcexaminer They win awards for being adversarial called the Pulitzer Prize for yellow journalism.
@kausmickey @ByronYork no chance
@kausmickey @dcexaminer. Hillary’s thinking the Wall would not have prevented Orlando shooting
@kausmickey @slone Romney went on defense. Trump goes on offense
@kausmickey Trump has at least 2 things Romney NEVER had! 1) The favor and total devotion of the people, and 2) God’s favor.
@kausmickey lots and lots of white reporters searching for Native Americans upset over Pocahontas – variations on this for months
@christinelroy @kausmickey she thinks she has “seen it all” – she hasn’t. She has no idea how hard she is gonna be hit.
@christinelroy @kausmickey Ted Cruz – a far more nimble debater than Hillary and much cleaner – was reduced to a sputtering mess by Trump.