Immigration a “threshold issue” for … Dems. Need to secure borders in order to make pitch to Trumpy working class kausfiles.com/2016/11/17/the…
Immigration a “threshold issue” for … Dems. Need to secure borders in order to make pitch to Trumpy working class kausfiles.com/2016/11/17/the…
@kausmickey if my initial read of what you’re saying is what I think it is…then holy shit, I almost could get tired of all this #Winning.
@kausmickey hence why my twitter feed is filled with liberals screaming “fuck the white working class” from the bottom of their soul.
@kausmickey Good point!
@kausmickey Democrats had to lose 3 presidential elections and the 1994 election before they agreed to compromised on welfare benefits.
Need to add open trade. Have trouble seeing the party of the Acela corridor and West Coast ports giving up on either. Think they’ll rely on diversions. Two parties morphing b4 us.
@kausmickey Dems will never soften on immigration. Their hatred of whites is too strong.