24 Why won’t Marco Rubio answer? kausfiles.com/2015/04/20/why… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Limbaugh tried out new Rubio weasel last wk – “If we don’t do it, Obama will do exec order.” ??? Whats the difference?
@kausmickey @BNLieb American voters must pull back the curtain to understand who pulls the strings on political candidates & influences them
@kausmickey @ROCKInTheUSSA Kerry waffles, Obama waffles, people change minds. Maybe he took the time to learn more about it as we often do.
OT – Roger Ailes wants Brian Williams back at NBC. – My responses at Politico
‘We both lie to try to push more immigration 24/7.’ [see what happened to Micky Kaus]
‘We all work for the billionaires in the end – Murdoch, Gates – who cares?’
Why should he. It’s not like there’s any accountability to worry about. Hey look over there ! ISIS is acting up again.