Why is John Kasich so annoying? Byron York notes that John Kasich’s frankly religious appeal to conservative evangelicals in the Faith & Freedom Caucus somehow turned them off. … Kasich loves to lecture. Usually, the not-so-subtle subtext — as with his citation of Matthew 25 to justify his Medicaid expansion — seems to be how moral Kasich is (in contrast with, say, his audience). There’s probably no less convincing way to justify Medicaid expansion to conservatives. …P.S.: In 1996, Kasich was chosen to give the closing argument in the House for welfare reform. I think if he’d talked for 10 more minutes, welfare reform would have lost. …
Why is John Kasich so annoying? http://t.co/wdn1MD1Bn9
I know a whole lot of Ohioans who will respond to this with an “amen” RT @kausmickey:
Why is John Kasich so annoying? http://t.co/Co3vJcAtP2
[…] on reading this item at the Washington Examiner, Mickey Kaus) […]