Halperin actually believed White House when it said Gruber wasn’t involved? That would be damning lack of BS detector fxn.ws/1SIyIZp
Halperin actually believed White House when it said Gruber wasn’t involved? That would be damning lack of BS detector fxn.ws/1SIyIZp
@kausmickey @willcollier It’s also a damning lack of a functioning brain.
@physicsgeek @kausmickey @MarkHalperin’s brain functions just fine; it knows his meal ticket is maintaining access to Her Highness.
@kausmickey He must be using the same detection scheme the OPM computers used.
@physicsgeek @kausmickey @willcollier Zombies are like that. It’s all reflexes and the *wish* for a brain. Not to have, just to snack on.
@kausmickey Halperin’s claim brings to mind a quote from @jamestaranto: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
@physicsgeek @kausmickey @willcollier I still respect him for calling a dick a dick, all other political hackery aside.
@kausmickey It’s not a lack, they just know they have to turn it off when dealing with Democrats, to preserve the narrative. @physicsgeek
@kausmickey @jamestaranto So he didn’t view any of the numerous videos where #Gruber admitted to lying to the public to pass Obamacare.